IT’S BEEN A LONG DAY IT’S BEEN A LONG DAYFrank has been assembling cameras since 7 A.M., 票貼and he’s very tired. He has assembled 19 cameras today, and he has never assembled that 借款many cameras in one day before! He has to assemble only one more camera, and then he can 烤肉go home.he’s really glad. It’s been a long day. Julie has been typing letters since 9 銀行利率A.M., and she’s very tired. He has typed 25 letters today, and she has never typed that 租辦公室many letters in one day before! She has to typed only one more letters, and then she can 宜蘭民宿go home.She’s really glad. It’s been a very long day. Officer Jackson has been writing 代償parking ticket since 8A.M., and he’s very exhausted. He has written 211 parking ticket 21世紀房屋仲介today, and he has never written that many letters in one day before! He has to write only 婚禮佈置one more parking ticket, and then he can go home.He’s really glad. It’s been an 好房網extremely long day.吳昱霆

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